Is your marketing agency subcontracting and hurting your results?

Picture this...

You have a conversation with a savvy representative from an agency, and they seem to hit all the right notes. Their rates are attractive, terms are concise, references are impressive, and you happily sign their contract.

Fast forward 30 days...

Something feels off. You do a little digging and discover that the talented team (new agency) managing your SEO, social media, and website design isn’t is actually a team of freelancers from multiple companies, all who have access to your business' information and goals. Yikes, you didn't sign up for that.

Ring a bell?

Welcome to the realm of marketing subcontracting! In this article we'll explore why this is common place today with 47% of Agencies state they subcontract some or all of their work now! Why it hurts your results and what to do next.

subcontracting marketing work

The Problems you'll have if your agency is outsourcing the marketing tasks you pay them to do

Section Quick Summary:

You will lost brand integrity, delays in production time, and communication as a whole will suffer. It's not a cohesive team, it's individual experts who are juggling multiple brands and supervisors all trying to get the "task done", not focusing on quality of work.

Lack of Accountability

Here’s a fun one: who do you call when things go south? The agency? The subcontractor? Your psychic? When work is subcontracted, it’s like everyone’s holding the ball, but no one’s actually responsible for it. If your campaign flops, the subcontractor blames the agency, the agency blames the subcontractor, and you’re left scratching your head, wondering how you ended up in the middle of this marketing blame game.

The agency subcontracting model is set forth so that the true experts who founded the company can wait for a Google Meeting request to close another client. They become detached from the Client and the day-to-day results they were hired to bring in. 

Higher Costs in the Long Run

Sure, subcontracting might seem cheaper upfront, but like a too-good-to-be-true Groupon deal, the hidden costs start piling up. Between endless revisions, delays, and trying to get all these moving parts to sync up, you could be looking at way more than you bargained for. And let’s not even get started on the cost of trying to fix the inconsistent branding that’s bound to pop up when every subcontractor is marching to their own beat.

Inconsistent Quality, Branding, and Teamwork

When you subcontract marketing work, you're rolling the dice on who’s doing what, which can lead to a mixed bag of results. One day, your social media posts look fresh and on-brand, and the next, your SEO strategy seems like it was written by someone who Googled “how to SEO” five minutes before clocking in.

Imagine you hire a marketing agency, and they outsource your SEO to one freelancer, social media to another, and paid ads to a third. 

One week, you’re crushing it with killer Google rankings, but on Facebook, your posts look like they were written in the Stone Age. Meanwhile, your paid ads? Oh, they’re working, but only if you count draining your budget as "working."

Most agencies that outsource overseas experience time delays and lack English fluency. These experts don’t speak to one another about the content they create to ensure that your Google content matches your Social Media and website. Branding is lost. 

Communication Breakdowns

Now, let’s talk about communication—or the lack thereof. When agencies subcontract, you’re no longer dealing with one team. Instead, it’s more like a game of telephone, except everyone’s using a different phone and speaking different languages. 

It’s not uncommon to have a meeting where you explain your brand vision for the hundredth time, only to realize that half the people involved didn’t get the memo, or worse yet, it’s a brand new person filling in or replacing Tom. Where did Tom go?

The result? Misaligned campaigns, missed deadlines, and marketing that looks more "confused toddler" than "polished professional."

When hand over your Google My Business (GMB) account to an agency that hands it over to another agency or freelancer they found on Upwork? This is like tossing your house keys to a stranger at the grocery store and saying, “Hey, keep it safe, okay?” You wouldn’t do that with your home, so why would you risk it with your business?

Do you want strangers and multiple companies having access to your business accounts?

Agencies who outsource your Google My Business

Google My Business is everything for local businesses. It’s what gets you those sweet "plumber near me" or "best roofer in town" searches. Now, imagine your GMB account being passed around like a hot potato between subcontractors who probably care more about hitting their next deadline than making sure your hours aren’t accidentally listed as “closed on Saturdays” when that’s your busiest day. One wrong update, and your customers are heading to your competitor’s shop down the street, while you’re sitting there wondering why your phones are silent.

But wait, there’s more! What happens when your GMB reviews start disappearing like socks in a dryer, or you get slapped with a suspension because a subcontractor fumbled the ball? Oh, and don’t even get me started on the cringe-worthy responses to negative reviews. Picture this: You’ve got a one-star review, and instead of a professional, brand-aligned response, your subcontractor writes back something like, “Sorry you’re mad, bro.” Yikes. That’s not exactly going to win over the locals, is it?

Here’s the thing: Your local reputation is often built (or destroyed) by what people see on Google. And when your GMB account is handled by people who don’t even know your favorite lunch spot, let alone your brand’s voice, you’re taking a serious gamble. It’s not just your marketing that’s at stake—your reputation is riding on it, too. One wrong move, and suddenly your business is ghosted harder than a bad first date.

But when everything stays in-house (like we do), you know exactly who’s got the keys to the castle. We know your business, your brand voice, and exactly how to keep that GMB page sparkling. No strangers. No “whoops, wrong hours” moments. Just solid, reliable management of the tool that keeps your phone ringing.

Social Media Risks with Freelancers and Subcontracting

Let’s talk about social media—aka the Wild West of marketing. Handing over the reins of your social media accounts to subcontractors is like trusting a teenager with your car. Sure, they say they know what they’re doing, but next thing you know, you’re getting a call that they’ve driven it into a ditch.

Here’s where it gets dicey: subcontractors aren’t always fully connected to your business, and when they’re juggling multiple clients, your account might not exactly be at the top of their to-do list. They post some off-brand content, misspell a few captions, or worse—violate some vague platform rule you didn’t even know existed. Bam! Your business is banned from social media, and you’re left scrambling to figure out what the heck happened.

And here’s the kicker: once you’re banned, it’s like trying to get into an exclusive club where the bouncer lost your name. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter—good luck trying to explain to these faceless corporations why your account deserves a second chance. And no, they don’t care that “your cousin’s friend” said it was fine to post that meme.

Now, the horror stories don’t stop there. You’d be surprised how many businesses suddenly find themselves locked out of their own social media accounts. One day, you’re posting pics of happy clients and stellar work, and the next, your password’s been changed, your admin rights are gone, and the subcontractor who was “managing” things is ghosting you harder than an ex after a bad date. No access. No control. No getting it back. You’re out in the cold, watching helplessly as your online presence vanishes.

But when you keep it in-house—like we do—you can rest easy knowing your social media is safe from those nightmare scenarios. We’re talking consistent, on-brand content, timely posts, and—oh yeah—you’ll actually have control over your accounts. Imagine that! No bans, no lockouts, just solid, smart management by people who know your business like the back of their hand. And best of all? You never have to worry about logging in one day to find you’ve been locked out of your own party.

Google Ads Risk with Freelancers and Subcontracting

Now, let’s talk about Google Ads. If subcontracting your Google Ads management doesn’t make you break out in a cold sweat, it should. You’re not just handing over your ad campaigns to someone—you’re giving them the keys to your money. Every. Single. Day.

Picture this: you hire a marketing agency, and they pass your Google Ads off to a subcontractor who you’ve never met. Now, this stranger controls your daily ad spend, deciding how much of your hard-earned cash goes to Google. One day, it’s $50; the next day, whoops, it’s $500. And let’s be real: Google won’t say “thanks” and send you a fruit basket if things go sideways.

It gets even more fun here: subcontractors often juggle multiple clients’ ads. Maybe they miss an important update, maybe they’re not monitoring your ads as closely as they should, and before you know it, your ad budget is blown on clicks that don’t even bring in quality leads. So, instead of attracting local homeowners looking for your plumbing or roofing services, your ad is now showing up to people looking for “roofing jokes” or “funny plumbing memes.”

And what happens when your ad spend gets burned on low-quality clicks? Your budget runs out, and you’re left wondering why your phone isn’t ringing. Meanwhile, that subcontractor is busy working on someone else’s campaign, with your ad campaign on autopilot—like a car with no driver.

And the best part? It's hard to get anyone to take responsibility when things go wrong (and trust me, they do). The subcontractor blames the agency, the agency says, “we’ll look into it,” and all the while, your credit card is getting charged. Daily. You’re stuck watching your marketing budget go up in smoke while your competitors are reeling in leads.

But when your ads are managed in-house—like ours—you don’t have to worry about some random freelancer controlling your daily ad spend like it’s Monopoly money. We keep a close eye on every dollar, ensuring it’s going toward high-quality leads, not wasted on random clicks. And if something’s off? You know exactly who to call; trust us, we’re not hiding. You’ll have full transparency, complete control, and peace of mind, knowing your money is being spent wisely every day.

Yelp Ads Risk with Freelancers and Subcontracting

Yelp Ads— like Google Ads’ little cousin that still costs you money but doesn’t always bring the party. Now, imagine handing over your Yelp Ads to a subcontractor juggling ten other accounts, and you’re left hoping they remember your business’s name.

Spoiler: they might not.

Here’s the deal: Yelp Ads can be great for local businesses, but when a subcontractor’s in charge, your budget can vanish faster than a customer just handed an unexpected bill. They’re managing the daily ad spend, which is still your money, and it’s easy for things to go wrong. One wrong targeting choice and your Yelp Ads are suddenly attracting clicks from folks who are “just browsing” and not booking.

And because Yelp isn’t exactly known for handing out refunds, once that budget’s gone, it’s gone for good. All while your competitor down the street is reeling in actual leads, thanks to someone keeping a closer eye on their ad spend.

But when we manage your Yelp Ads in-house, we know where every penny is going. There are no wasted clicks, no questionable targeting, and no shrugging subcontractors when you ask why your budget’s gone. We keep things tight and transparent and aim to get real results, not just empty clicks.

10 ways to find out if your agency is outsourcing your marketing

1. Vague Communication About Who's Doing the Work: 

If your agency can’t give you specific names or introduce you to the people handling your account, that’s a red flag. They may be outsourcing tasks to external contractors.

2. Inconsistent Quality in Deliverables: 

Are your SEO, social media, and paid ads performing at completely different levels? This could be a sign that different subcontractors are handling each piece of the puzzle, leading to varied quality.

3. Delays in Communication or Project Delivery: 

If you’re constantly waiting for answers or your projects seem to take forever, the agency might be managing communication between you and their subcontractors—slowing everything down.

4. Multiple Points of Contact: 

If you find yourself dealing with a lot of different people for each service (SEO expert, content writer, social media manager), it’s likely they’re freelancers or subcontractors, not in-house staff.

5. Lack of Detailed Reporting: 

Agencies with subcontractors often provide vague or surface-level reports. If your reports don’t go into much depth or feel generic, the agency might be struggling to get detailed insights from their subcontractors.

6. Frequent Changes in Your Account Managers: 

If you’re constantly introduced to new people managing your account, the agency might be swapping out subcontractors, making it hard to establish a consistent working relationship.

7. No Direct Access to Key Team Members: 

When you ask to speak with the person actually working on your project and are given the runaround, there’s a good chance that work is being subcontracted out and they’re keeping you from knowing who’s involved.

8. Sudden Changes in the Style or Tone of Your Content: 

If your content suddenly sounds different or the tone changes unexpectedly, different subcontractors may be handling your projects without a unified voice or strategy.

9. Pricing is too transparent or Ridiculously low: 

If you’re being charged a flat rate but don’t see any breakdown of where your money is going, it’s possible that the agency is pocketing a portion of your payment and using the rest to pay subcontractors. If the Agency is charging anything less than $1,000 per month for full marketing, or $500 for limited marketing, it's being done in India and/or Philippines. We should know, our CEO, Will Schmidt, used to be CEO to an outsourced agency of 2,400 employees across five countries.

10. Errors in Brand Messaging or Design:

Are there mistakes in your brand messaging, logos, or website design that seem out of character? This could be a sign that outsourced freelancers, who aren’t familiar with your brand, are involved.

Why you need a dedicated marketing agency for home service company

When you choose a dedicated marketing team like Talents Into Profits, you're not just hiring an agency—you’re investing in a committed partner that knows your business inside and out. Unlike agencies that rely on a patchwork of subcontractors, we keep everything in-house, ensuring your marketing strategy is consistent, cohesive, and focused on results.

Here’s why we stand out:

  • Accountability: You’ll always know exactly who is handling your marketing, and more importantly, they’ll know you. There’s no finger-pointing, no outsourcing to third parties. You’ve got one team, one point of contact, and full transparency.
  • Consistency: We don’t just hit “send” and hope for the best. With our approach, your branding, messaging, and strategy flow seamlessly across platforms—whether it’s SEO, social media, or paid ads. It’s all aligned and optimized for your business.
  • Security and Control: From Google My Business to your social media accounts, we keep everything under lock and key, ensuring your business stays safe and your accounts stay accessible. You’ll never be locked out or left guessing who’s in charge of your campaigns.
  • Personalized Approach: Unlike outsourcing agencies that treat you like just another client, we take the time to understand your goals, audience, and market. Every strategy is tailored to your needs, not some cookie-cutter approach.

At Talents Into Profits, we’re not just managing your marketing; we’re working as an extension of your team, driving growth, and ensuring your brand gets the attention it deserves. Say goodbye to the endless subcontracting shuffle and hello to a partner that’s as invested in your success as you are.

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